
Category Archives: NEWS

Fun Facts About Canada

Fun Facts About Canada

Every country and culture comes with its own unique attributes. There are many customs and things that make every country stand out from one another. Canada is no exception to this rule. Here are some fun facts about Canada! Canada’s Currency With the exception of Europe, most countries have their own currency. Canada also does. […]

What Is It Like To Be A Student In Canada

What Is It Like To Be A Student In Canada

Studying abroad is a wonderful opportunity. It is an enriching life experience that allows you to learn and grow in a new environment. Unsure if Canada is the right place for you to explore your studies. iConnectGlobal will give you some insight on what it’s like to be a student in Canada. Choosing your program […]

How to Look for a Job in Canada from Overseas

how to look for a job in canada from overseas

How to Look for a Job in Canada from Overseas Many immigrants cannot afford to take a trip to Canada simply to job search. Here are ways to canvas the job market while overseas. Job Boards By looking at job boards yourself you can find occupations that match your skills and qualifications. There are job […]

Canada’s Immigration Outlook

Canada's Immigration Outlook

Canada’s Immigration Outlook On October 30th 2020 the Government of Canada posted a notice regarding their immigration outlook for 2021 to 2023. Canada is expected to welcome 411,000 new immigrants to Canada by 2022. The Economic class contains the highest number of immigrants. The plan to increase entry into Canada is meant to prioritize immigrant […]


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