
What Is It Like To Be A Student In Canada

What Is It Like To Be A Student In Canada

Studying abroad is a wonderful opportunity. It is an enriching life experience that allows you to learn and grow in a new environment. Unsure if Canada is the right place for you to explore your studies. iConnectGlobal will give you some insight on what it’s like to be a student in Canada.

Choosing your program

Canadian universities offer a variety of opportunities to pursue your area of interest in many different ways. There are a multitude of options such as undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. There are also technical schools that offer certificates and diplomas. Do some research on your desired field and see what institutions offer programs relating to your area of interest.

Finding a support system

Most universities in Canada offer programs that help international students during their time studying in Canada. There are clubs directed towards international students, and some universities even offer advising and counselling specifically for international students. Making connections in a new place can be difficult, but you can meet new people in classes or at clubs. There are also student areas where people study together. Most institutions also have a Facebook group where social and school events are discussed. It won’t be hard to make friends in Canada as many are friendly and open to meeting new people. When you feel homesick and need reassurance you can look to the support system you have built during your time in Canada. Not only does building connections help you to feel more at home in Canada it also can aid you in terms of networking. Making personal and professional connections is key to a successful study abroad experience.


Many wonder what it’s like to be a student in Canada in terms of housing. This is one of the biggest concerns when staying in any new country. Where will you reside during your time here? That depends on your circumstance. If you are alone there are a few different options for you. One of the most common housing options is living on campus. On campus housing is best if you want to be involved within the school community. It will be easier to make connections when living on campus since you are often paired with a roommate. There is also off campus living which is a good option for those who wish to explore the city. Off campus housing can build your independence, and is often more affordable depending on the area.

Studying in Canada is a beneficial experience as studying abroad is good for personal growth. It enhances your social skills, increases your independence, and it will help you to improve your language skills. Community and connection is a large part of what it’s like to be a student in Canada. You will encounter new people constantly, and these experiences will be the culmination of your time here. It is important to make the most of it.

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